Welcome to your alternative hub.
Alternative Movement Studio a mostly online, community-centred space for those not into mainstream exercise environments. Instead, our focus is on the joy of movement to a rocking soundtrack. Our activewear label, Alternative Activewear, reflects our outsider style and crew. (Read more)
My pain may be chronic, but I remain iconic.
March’s schedule will feature classes with 💛s - that symbol indicates that the session is Endo-friendly. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be an Endometrioso to join. These classes are about creating a space for us all to explore what we can do.

It's Back.
Rock Aerobix has been rockin' hearts since 2008. We're stoked to have Ambika back on deck. Rockin' your socks off live, in real-time in your space - on the regs!

You can now say hello to Life Less Common’s stylish designs and indulge your sunnies addiction

Night Shadow
If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise: our cool new, spooky range being modelled by Kris the Devil.

Leafy Lovers
This glorious new monstera print is an original cross-pollination with popular artist Kelsie Kosmic and plant mum Rach. We almost wet our plants waiting to lay roots with Kelsie and graft a new print. And just like that; it's sprouted.

Introducing feature artist, collaborator (and model), Kelsie Cosmic. We love working back with this psychedelia-inspired independent illustrator.
Acknowledgement of Country
We pay respect to all First Nations people, past and present, for their custodianship of Country. It is on land and water that were never ceded we are given life. In these lands the songlines, stories, songs, ancestors and dreamings of First Nations peoples are told. Our respect for First Nations peoples is enacted through environmentally friendly practices. We commit to working collaboratively to increase First Nations involvement in our club.