As a club, our focus is on mobility through movement. We seek balance, help manage injury, chronic illness symptoms and improve strength to restore confidence. We believe in honouring all types of bodies and always offer low-impact options. Our sustainable online studio has a selection of alternative classes, is queer-friendly and welcoming to diverse participants. Our classes can be done without the need for specialist equipment, from the comfort of your own space. We are pro-fun, pro-pet, pro-swearing and pro-inclusion.



At the centre of our AMS hub's mission statement is a commitment to inclusivity and diversity. We recognise First Nations peoples as the custodians of this land we live and work on, land that was never ceded. We use gender-neutral and body-positive terms. This is done to create a welcoming, inclusive and judgement-free environment where everyone is supported.

Our Coaches have historically provided spaces for people from all walks of life, sexualities, gendered identities, cultures, those with mental illness and differing abilities/mobilities. We understand that these relationships depend on active listening, learning and not placing the burden of emotional labour on our crew. In doing so we are committed to staying up to date. We will also not accept racism, sexism, transphobia or ableism in our environment and remain accountable for any errors we ourselves make due to being uninformed or up to date with acceptable cultural practice.

Basically, our space is open to all, in a way where respectful behaviour is integral. We do tend to swear a lot but steer clear of those words that may create hurt.



Our project practices are based around a deep respect for the land on which we live, and the flora and fauna that call it home. These practices are implemented through offering custom, ethically produced merch and by beaming specialist classes from all corners of the globe straight into your space.
Keeping our classes online reduces the consumption of fuel and decreases the production of traffic generated pollutants. We also develop activewear gear specifically to raise funds for environmental action groups. Our sustainability goals are to bring awareness of issues facing natural habitats, eliminate overproduction and reduce the use of materials via a custom made to order system.

These sustainability practices are continually evolving and being added to as we learn and grow.

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